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Writers Read featuring Richard Michelson, Cherryl Jensen, and Alice Barrett


About This Event

Writers Read is a monthly opportunity for an audience to come and listen to local writers in an intimate environment. Each second Wednesday of the month, three writers read from their work followed by time for the audience to join with the writers for a talkback. These discussions have been eye opening, touching, and inspiring. Audiences have left the venue ready to write.

This series is facilitated by Lindy Whiton, a member of LAVA, and pulls from several different communities of writers throughout the local area. We are extremely lucky to draw from an abundance of talent. The year’s calendar does bring in a few outside writers who agreed to travel. Watch this event future readers.

$5 suggested donation ($1 Card-to-Culture)

Richard Michelson has received a National Jewish Book Award, and his work was chosen to represent the Commonwealth at the National Book Festival in DC. He served two terms as Poet Laureate of Northampton, Massachusetts, where he hosts Northampton Poetry Radio and owns R. Michelson Galleries.

Cherryl Jensen is a writer who grew up among the cornfields of Eastern Iowa, and has lived across the country from Washington on the West Coast to New Hampshire and Massachusetts in Northeastern U.S. She received her MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts in 2022. Her mentor was Sue William Silverman. Cherryl’s writing has appeared in Past Ten, Persimmon Tree, Concrete Wolf, Northern New England Review, Psychiatric Services, and more. She lives in Easthampton, Massachusetts.

Alice Barrett lives with her wife, actor Jeannine Haas. Alice’s ears love Gerard Manley Hopkins, her brain loes Adrienne Rich, her heart is poetry-fickle. She loves writing about herself in the third person. Her book, The Bridge, is very very good.

Event Details

Date & Time: March 14, 2024 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Event Categories: ,
Event Cost: $1 – $5
Event Website: Event Website

Event Venue

Venue Name: The LAVA Center
324 Main Street
Greenfield, MA 01301 United States