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Unproductive Behaviors Writing Workshop


About This Event

This writing circle for queer-identified people focuses on generating new work of any genre. We will write and revise in community through the 100s method popularized by feminist scholars like Lauren Berlant and Dr. Kim Tall Bear. The 100s asks each participant to write 100 words a day on an assigned day of the week. Participants write in one shared document where they can see and take momentum from each other’s work. During the week, writers will be given an optional prompt and are expected to write 100 words on their given day. When the group gathers we will review each other’s writing, discuss the process of generating together, and support each other as we explore ways to take our fragments further. This workshop is titled ‘unproductive behaviors’ because it is dedicated to generating work without adhering to ideals of productivity that harry writers to push out word counts or tangible products. By depending on a group of writers to generate in concert (akin to singing in the round), the 100s process invites us to dally in the process.

Fee: $120 per person

Dates: 5-7pm Mondays for 6 weeks. Jan 8 – Feb 12

Scholarship: two free spots open for queer writers of color. Email Sierra to request a spot.

Contact: [email protected]

Event Details

Date & Time: January 8, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Categories: ,
Event Cost: $120
Event Website: Event Website

Event Venue

Venue Name: Looky Here
Phone: 7202536750
28 chapman street
greenfield, MA 01301 United States