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Racial Justice Rising & Twice As Smart Present: Where Is The Kindness? Homelessness, Migration, and Immigration

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About This Event

Saturday, October 15 at 2 p.m.
First United Methodist Church
25 Church Street, Greenfield MA
Program is free — Donations are welcome!
~ Masks optional ~
Join students and staff of Twice As Smart as they explore immigration,
migration, and homelessness — topics filled with adversity for many —
using the powerful mode of song.
This will be an interactive program, so please bring your family’s
migration and/or immigration stories and experiences to share.
With students Bella, Jay, Jemenae, Johan, Jose, and Leilani,
and instructors Gloria Matlock, Becca Eowind, and Michael Nix.
Twice as Smart is a Greenfield, MA program that assists children with their
educational endeavors. Director Gloria Matlock and her team teach
communication and homework skills, financial literacy, and other topics.

Racial Justice Rising’s programs are supported in part by grants from these Local Cultural Councils: Amherst,
Ashfield, Bernardston, Buckland, Charlemont-Hawley, Conway, Deerfield, Gill, Greenfield, Heath, Montague,
New Salem, Northfield, Orange, Pelham, Rowe, Shelburne, Shutesbury, Warwick, Wendell, and Whately, local
agencies which are supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

Event Details

Date & Time: October 15, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Event Categories:

Event Venue

Venue Name: First United Methodist Church
25 Church Street
Greenfield, MA 01301 United States
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