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October Media Sale at Roundabout Books


About This Event

We’re ready for our big media sale! This one is shaping up to be a big storm of media. I just picked up a store closeout from the Berkshires, and with it received a voluminous collection of vinyl. We should have at least 50 boxes of vinyl records, including 3-4 full boxes of 45s. We will use our perennial and favorite pattern of selling all our CDs, DVDs, and Records for $2 each on Friday, and then reducing them to just $1 each starting on Saturday morning.

Book bins will be 50 cents throughout the sale. It looks like we’ll have a lot of bins, at least 10, but maybe as many as 20 gaylord bins to shop through. We’ll sell our 45s at 50 cents through the sale, too, just like they were books, but they’re 45s–what a deal!

$1 SALE: Saturday, October 5th – Sunday, October 6th, 10am – 6pm
$2 PRESALE DAY: Friday, October 4th, 10am – 6pm
$1 DVDs and DVD sets
$1 CDs and CD sets
$1 Audiobooks
$1 Vinyl Records
50 Cent 45s
Thousands of CDs and DVDs, all fresh inventory
Large collection of vinyl records from a store closeout–50 or so boxes
~10-20 large bins of 50 cent books –50 cent books and 45s will be the same price throughout the sale
The sale will be on the lower level, but our main bookstore is open now, too!
Browse new, used, vintage, and children’s books in addition to the big sale downstairs.
Parking is in our upper lot or on the street–please be respectful of neighbors’ driveways if you park on the street
Cash, Checks and Credit Cards Accepted

Event Details

Date & Time: October 4, 2024 @ 10:00 am - October 6, 2024 @ 6:00 pm
Event Categories: , ,
Event Cost: Free
Event Website: Event Website

Event Venue

Venue Name: Roundabout Books
Phone: 413-773-0820
85 Pierce Street
Greenfield, 01301