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Live! Ghost Tales and Spirit Speaks lecture & slide show with Medium Karen Tatro


About This Event

Get in the Halloween Spirit with the spookiest event of the day for sure! Join Medium; Karen Tatro as she discussed her work in the Paranormal world. The questions we all seek: What are Ghosts and Spirits? Why are they here? What can we learn from them? Do you believe in Re-incarnation? Do you believe in Angels and Demons?

I have learned a great deal over the years communicating with spirits. My underlining purpose is to bring Spirituality into the Paranormal and the Humanity behind the Haunting, to the public. We have a great deal to learn from them, after all, they are the window into the afterlife that we all have a quest to understand.

Lecture & Slide Show Presentation of Evidence including an investigation of the Barn that inspired the Conjuring movie franchise.
Tickets are $15 for Adults and $12 for Students, Seniors and Veterans.

Meet Your Host!

Karen Tatro, a Certified Spirit Medium Karen Tatro lives in NH with her husband Steve and children, Nicole and Garrett. From the time she was a small child, Karen has had a deep connection with the spirit world. She could see, hear and feel the presence of spirits and knew that, beyond her intellect; the Divine Spirit world existed and was all around. Growing up as a sensitive, she often describes her life as having, “one foot on Earth and one in the Clouds”.

Karen embraces and shares her abilities with people for the purpose of inspiration, wisdom, education, and healing.
Tatro’s credentials and abilities in the paranormal field have led her to appear on two national TV shows dealing with paranormal content: Syfy Channel’s Ghost Hunters TAPS, and The Biography Channel’s My Ghost Story. WMUR Channel 9 news interviewed and filmed Karen while she and her partner investigated the Ellacoya Country Store in Gilford, NH in 2014.

She has also been featured on several New Hampshire podcasts, radio stations, including WOKQ 95.7 where she was interviewed regarding her involvement with the famously “caught on video” ghost at the small Gilford store.

Karen Tatro is also a published author of a children’s book, “I’m A Super Hero ~ I’m Not Afraid of Ghosts!” It is a wonderful book for families who have children of all ages that are sensitive and afraid of their bedrooms at night; afraid of ghosts and things they might sense but cannot see or quite understand.

She is also an author of 2 books in her Spirit Adventures series; A memoir about her life as a Medium in the Paranormal field, where she chronicles her experiences and private cases.

She is a paranormal & Spiritual Event Host for the general public, which allows them to explore these amazing locations and their own intuitive abilities and interests in the paranormal field. She also travels throughout the NH, and Southern MA holding private mediumship galleries in private homes for a small gathering of guests and offers private readings and workshops.

Event Details

Date & Time: October 31, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Event Categories:
Event Cost: $12 – $15
Event Website: Event Website

Event Venue

Venue Name: Greenfield Garden Cinema
Phone: 413-774-4881
361 Main St.
Greenfield, MA 01301 United States