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Community African Dance & Drum

African Dance Drum

About This Event

For all ages, children through adults, beginning level and no experience necessary. If you have a heartbeat, you can drum! For millennia, drumming has brought people together in community to create peace, health and wellness. The uplifting rhythms of Africa relieve stress and help people connect with each other, as well as their own joy. Tara Murphy leads creative, African-rooted dance and drum classes for folks of all ages and abilities. It is a great time to release energy, lift spirits, connect with others, have fun, and get healthy exercise. She encourages participants to jam out and express their rhythms creatively. Tara also teaches the basics of hand and stick drumming as well as traditional rhythms from Mali and Guinea, West Africa. Participants will learn simple rhythms on the djembe and dunun drums, and play together as an ensemble. The drum circle emphasizes community, self-expression and the joy of rhythm. Drums provided and no experience necessary.

Event Details

Date & Time: July 13 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Series Event Series (See All)

Event Categories: , , , ,
Event Cost: $12 – $22
Event Website: Event Website

Event Venue

Venue Name: The Episcopal Church of Saints James and Andrew
8 Church Street
Greenfield, 01301
African Dance Drum