About This Event
While hiding from bullies in his school’s attic, a young boy discovers the extraordinary land of Fantasia, through a magical book called The Neverending Story. The book tells the tale of Atreyu, a young warrior who, with the help of a luck dragon named Falkor, must save Fantasia from the destruction of The Nothing.
CAST: Barret Oliver, Gerald McRaney, Noah Hathaway, Drum Garrett, Darryl Cooksey, Nicholas Gilbert
DIRECTOR: Wolfgang Petersen
RUN TIME: 102 min
Event Details
Date & Time: July 21 @ 3:30 pm - 5:30 pmEvent Categories: Downtown, Family Events, Film, Greenfield Business Association Member
Event Cost: $11.50
Event Website: Event Website
Event Venue
Venue Name: Greenfield Garden CinemaPhone: 413-774-4881
361 Main St.
Greenfield, MA 01301 United States